Here are the words to some of our songs, for you all to sing along.

A Funnel Cloud in Albuquerque

(Sweeney - Holder)


The day began like any other, They had said ther prayers for rain

No rain had come in 40 days. They thought they prayed in vain

It was later in the evening, we were choosing red or green?

And the first drops hit the ground outside the rattlesnake museum


A funnel cloud in Albuquerque, With a white hot lightning spark

The golden number five on red would be our Noah's ark


Then an ocean fell upon the old town, with water getting high

The fish swam down san felipe street and the roadrunner had to fly

Was it the tears of the virgin in the tree, the way she showed her pain

But all the saints in Santisima, they could not stop that rain


A funnel cloud in Albuquerque, With a white hot lightning spark

The golden number five on red would be our Noah's ark


We thought what kind of saints these were, who could make a wind so ill

Then the power went down from the saucer house to the quesadilla grille

The people were getting restless, there was no plan in mind

So we went with Susie to the basement, and left our cars behind


A funnel cloud in Albuquerque, With a white hot lightning spark

The golden number five on red would be our Noah's ark


A funnel cloud in Albuquerque, were not finished yet

So careful what you pray for, for it might be what you get


(Sweeney - Holder)

I get in my car and drive that quarter mile

When I choose my groceries, you greet me with a smile

I say hello to you and put the money in your hand

you talk about the times of day, you’re such a handsome man



Was it you, was it you . she would have been 22

Was it you, was it you , she would have been twenty two

I see you at the weekend on a sunday morn

You always have that wave for me as you cut your lawn

I see you at the church, you address the people there

Talking about jesus and the redeeming power of prayer


two hunters came across her just when the evening shadows fall

they thought it was a mannequin lay down bside the wall

they went and called the police, to investigate the crime

they couldn’t recognize her she’d been there a long long time


Was it some one else ,……….. or was it…………. both of you

You know it oh so well

I know you'll never tell

But I'll see you burn in Hell

Because it was you

A Box of Broken Jewels

We met at childhoods end , You know where the river bends

Your hair was wet. ,in the morning mist

 I hope I still won’t forget,  

When I don’t remember yesterday

It will come someday

Ill try remember you, some other way


The box of broken jewels, Silver rings and turquoise beads

A cabinet of wood and  gold, Held stories yet untold

Necklaces of diamonds, emerelds and jade

But our Summer has come and gone, We'll be on our way

Soon well be gone and be away


We lost our loving cup. when we were all messed up

Its too soon to count regrets, We’re not finished yet  

When everything is a shadow, of what I once knew

ill find a  way, to remember  you


The bird with the crystal crown. With eyes of red and green

That was on a starlit night. In a garden of delight

Something i glimpsed but always was unseen

When our autumn  has come and gone. We’lll be on our way

Soon we’ll be gone and on our way


The scent of roses in the air

Like the serpent leaves its lair

Life unwinds, the course uncurls


I ll findthat string of pearls, lost in September rain

and stories about myself, when I was someone else

There were times we had, where we felt only pain

But our winters come and gone, we’ll be on our way

Soon well be gone, and be away

Love me Love my Ford

Love me love my ford

It’s a car that you can afford

That’s what I was I was about to say

I wished I hadn’t looked the other way

I thought it wouldn’t happen today

I thought it wouldnt happen this way 

Mother forgive me when you see me this way 

I'm just another  wreck on a life’s highway

She was making some kind of  point

The world just seems out of joint

Nothing happens when you turn the page

And they call this living in this day and age

I thought it wouldn’t happen today

I thought it wouldnt happen this way 

Mother forgive me when you see me this way 

I'm just another  wreck on a life’s highway

I had a dream the other night everything was quiet and and still 

You were running through a cornfield

and i was high upon a hill

My pride came before your fall   

I heard my dead sister call

'We got a live one' , he did shout   

But I knew they wouldn’t get me out

I thought it wouldn’t happen today

I thought it wouldnt happen this way 

Mother forgive me when you see me this way 

I'm just another  wreck on a life’s highway

And I didn’t hear anyone pray

Looking down on  the road  where I lay

And I wish it was still yesterday

I'm just another  wreck on a life’s highway

I wont live to see another day

of my life as its slipping away

But its all I have left is to say

at the end of the road i must  pay   

Amerikana Arkana

'for those who seek shall find '

He was the last American hobo

At the end of his line

Crossing the Lucinda river

To leave this world behind

There is a way to negotiate

The transportation  of your soul

When someone asked him what it meant He said ,

You may look…….. You may find it…………….

And when you find it  you will know

The towns and country fairs

He'd avoid them if he could

With people ready to do him evil

In the name of doing good

You share tables with unknown enemies

In the places where you go

You’ll need to find protection

You may look…….. You may find it ……………

And when you find it  you will know

When he was a young man. ..,

The world unrolled before his eyes

In the Golden Rush Hotels

He was so handsome women cried

In the Father Redcap and Hercules

Good fortune was denied

And in In the Hazards of Balthasar

He found loss that never died

He travelled through the lines and laces

Printed on his face

That had to Say upon reflection

‘you should have found another place’

When these woods were young

That’s the Peace you want to know

when your mother and father were alive in time

You may look ,   you may find it

And when you find it  you will know

He was the last American hobo

At the end of his line

Crossing the Lucinda river

To leave this world behind

A Prayer for Hope and Happy Times

(Sweeney - Holder)


We walk the streets, in rotten shoes,

Through a haze , of iceberg blues

We walk through lives, that look real fine,

But that lives not yours, and its not mine


And we age, at the speed of light,

we don’t sleep well , through endless nights

We have our friends, we have our times

But those friends aren’t yours, and those times aren’t mine.


I think about, another day, when good luck, will come our way

But today, its just another time, when luck’s not yours, and its not mine


One day I hope, if I should dare, to find a god. who’ll take a prayer

A prayer for hope, and happy times

But that god’s not yours,and its not mine

But I still hope for better times.

Cousins War    

A summers day, a yellow dress,  she wore violets in her hair

She was to marry her own true love, with a love only they could share

But her brother took a hunting knife, He hurt her love full sore

And he is dead by her brother’s hand, that led a family into war

Go dig a hole in the meadow, dig a hole in the cold cold ground

Dig a hole dig a hole in the meadow, to lay her true love down

The harvest moon it waxed and waned, the future filled with  dread

She threw her wedding ring away, the gold turned into lead

Her tears were like a river wild, her cries as loud as a storm

Her child was born when the spring had come , and her love she will ever mourn

So dig a hole in the meadow, dig a hole in the cold cold ground

Dig a hole dig a hole in the meadow, to lay her true love down

The war went on for many more years, where many more young men die

Great houses fell on burning hills, with pale horses riding by

Riding through fields of iron and blood, sowing the seeds of death and pain,

Reaping the sons of the hydras teeth, fodder from the devils grain

So dig a hole in the meadow, dig a hole in the cold cold ground

Dig a hole dig a hole in the meadow, to lay all those young men down

Dust of Mars

I knew a duster was coming, Bigger than the one before

So we all went to the basement, and got behind our cellar door

When I woke up my land had gone, It has not I heard someone say

It floats above an office desk, a hundred miles away


The trees they give no shelter

from a sky that gives no rain

One day I know we’ll return to dust

But in this dust I will not remain

As I walk through this hollow land , And talk through fever dreams

Where good times just come back to you, With no mercy as it seems

I've had enough l ll pack up my stuff , And take all that I hold dear

I'll follow the factory money ,Just to get me out of here

And if I pass you by my friend ,As I go on my way

I'll give back what I have took from you, Any kindness I will repay

I continued to the outhouse , Sometime between three or four

And I saw another duster coming , Bigger than the one before

The trees they give no shelter

from a sky that gives no rain

One day I know we’ll return to dust

But in this dust I will not remain

You're Right we've gone wrong

(but it's so wrong that you're right) 

I receivedyour letter yesterday

I was surprised that you would write to me this way

But i knew something was wrong

But it was just too far from sight

You're right we've gone wrong

But it's  so wrong that your right 

I could have gave my life to loving you

When we met it wqas just like, a dream had come true

We have all our dreams in darkness

But we are distant in the light. 

You're right we've gone wrong

But it's  so wrong that your right 

I thought that we could last for years my love

I should have given time , for things to end in tears

But all road reach their end 

And the the end is now in sight.

Our life is covered by a long black veil

Once our love was all the colours of a peacocks tail

No I dont see nothing

Its all just dark as night

You're right we've gone wrong

But it's  so wrong that your right 

Oliver Curtis Perry Parts 1 and 2

(Sweeney - Holder)

Oliver Curtis Perry was an outlaw to himself

He went to rob a train one night , with nobody’s help

He put on a scarlet hood and wore an iron vest

He carried a pistol and an Indian charm to aid him in his quest


He saw, he saw the light come shining

Shining all around,

He saw, he saw the light come shining

When that train came round

He leapt upon the mail train as it left the yard

He broke in through the boxcar door and stood before the guard

He said 'open up the safe so the gold reflects upon my face

He left the boxcar with the gold , disappeared without a trace

Curtis Perry left the train that night, the guard then told his tale

Since no one can rob a train alone, they put the guard in jail

Only two months later Curtis tried it once again

He didn’t take the gold this time , he only stole the train

The Pinkertons and Railroad men finally tracked him down

They put him in the prison close at Dannemora Town

He could not escape that jail despite his many tries

Protesting his conditions there he drove nails into his eyes.

He remained in prison, he never was released

Till all the men who put him there, were forgotten or deceased

The treated him so badly, they were so unkind

They only broke his body , but not his spirit nor his mind

Unwelcome Guest




i ran with you from town to town, selling  The King of Pain


You left me on a lonesome road , but I came through the wind and rain


All through all the times we had I was fooled by your caress


But I’m back to multiply your sorrows  and add to your regrets


because you treated my love for you , like a poor unwelcome guest




its true I left you one bright morning  with no words of farewell


I left you to find the mysteries  to which our fates  befell


But ever since that fateful day, ive been under your spell 


You've come back to take away my happiness and add to my regrets


But I didn’t treat your love that way , like a poor unwelcome guest




Its been seven years or more, since I left your loving arms


you followed me through the factories, the orchards and the farms




1 see you on a street one day, with your family in Sunlight


1 will look you in the eye, and make you wither in my sight


ill put you down, and you wont get up again, ill put you in distress


and I will multiply your sorrows, and add to your regrets


For taking my love to be a poor unwelcome guest


but I didn’t take your love  to be , like a poor unwelcome guest

The Life and Death of Michael Collins



His name was Michael Collins, he was born in County Cork

Even from an early age revolution he would talk

He spent some time in England not many people know

But he came back to help his comrades fight from inside the GPO


They tried , his name was Micheal Collins ,

but they couldn’t track him down

They tried , and it took another Irishman

To put him in the ground.



After Easter 1916, he got away with his life

The British brought the troubles, but he would bring them strife 

With his careful planning, his country he would seize

In the process he could bring the British Empire to its knees


The Empire sent assasins, they were called the Cairo gang

They would have to shoot him down,  if they couldn’t make him hang

But Collins had 12 apostles whom he gathered all round

They came out one Sunday morning, and took those killers down


Collins signed a treaty, to help make his country free

There were other forces, who didn’t all agree

One day Collins went back to his home town

And it was one of his own countrymen who put him in the ground

It will soon be Christmas Day

The coldest of Decembers, we can all remember

Our faces lit by candlelight

Its the time for bestowing , with heart a glowing

Anticipating silent night


You’ve waited all year, through the laughter and the tears

You can see in the streets where the snow’s coming down

Hear the bells ringing all over town

We can say, Santa’s coming on his sleigh

There’s nothing in his way, it will soon be Christmas day


Above a star is rising , on the dark horizon

You’ve waited for this night to fall

Beyond you bedroom window , you can hear the wind blow

Or do you hear a reindeer’s call  


Let your spirit sing with the gifts that wise men bring

You can see in the streets where the snow’s coming down

Hear the bells ringing all over town

We can say, Santa’s coming on his sleigh

There’s nothing in his way, it will soon be Christmas day


We’ll meet under mistletoe, when the lights are low

But what’s that flying over the roof tops. Look at that reindeer go



But Spare a thought for absent friends, one day you’ll meet again

You can see in the streets where the snow’s coming down

Hear the bells ringing all over town

We can say, Santa’s coming on his sleigh

There’s nothing in his way  , it will soon be Christmas day

Their Final Day on Earth

(Sweeney - Holder)

A dealer and his wife were enjoying their life

In the last days of May

Tired of getting people higher, They wanted to retire

And do one last deal that day

They put all their money in a brown paper sack

Then to a house of low degree

They met two strangers there but they didn’t think to care

When one stranger said follow me

They took the dealer and his wife to a lonely place

Where they worried about their fate

Then one stranger drew a gun and the other drew a knife

And ended their earthly state

The strangers took a shovel and they dug a hole

As the sun was going down

They took what remained of the dealer and his wife

And buried them in the ground

This is the strory of the dealer and his wife

Who now sleep in the dirt

That’s how thing went and that’s how they spent

Their final day on earth

Black dog Following Me   

There’s a black dog, following me

He’s there in the distance, but his features I can see

He’ll soon be, at my shoulder

Coming down throughout the years, as life gets colder

Darkness grows and the cold wind blows ,

Through the people in this town

Where the Age of Aquarius, met its killing ground

But I won’t let my house fall down

There’s  black dog , waiting at my gate

The streets are uneven , when my whiskey’s straight

Straight ahead now  Straight to nowhere,

Where I don’t know who I am and probably don’t care

Darkness grows and the cold wind blows ,

Through the people in this town

Where the Age of Aquarius, met its killing ground

But I won’t let my house fall down

Fall Down

There’s a black dog, walking in my head


Darkness grows and the cold wind blows

Through the people in this town

Through the streets of regret, and fields of dread

When the  Age of Aquarius, met its killing ground

But I won’t let my house fall down